Run With Me. Be Life Saving.

Run With Me. Be Life Saving.

Meghan Roth is a mother, an athlete, an elite runner and a survivor of cardiac arrest. On October 11, 2021 her life was changed forever when she experienced a cardiac arrest at mile 7.4 on the the Boston marathon course! She was a new mom, healthy young woman that experienced the unimaginable. With the heroic actions of her fellow runners and bystanders on the course, she was revived once medical staff arrived. Having a second chance at life and given the gift of a new mission to help others, I am extremely passionate about promoting bystander CPR awareness and heart health! Together we will be life saving.



Boston Athletic Association Bystander CPR Awareness video! Get Educated and Be Life Saving!

As a non-profit organization our mission aims to promote public health and safety through education, training, and advocacy initiatives aimed at increasing awareness of bystander CPR techniques and improving heart health within our communities. We are committed to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to respond effectively to cardiac emergencies and to foster a culture of proactive cardiac care. Through collaborative partnerships, innovative educational programs, and outreach efforts, we strive to save lives, reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, and enhance the overall well-being of individuals and communities. Cardiac emergency situations are happening all the time. There are nearly 350,000 individuals per year that experience an out of hospital cardiac arrest with a survival rate of less 10%.

Bystander CPR is an action you can take to help save one’s life and giving them a fighting chance of survival. It is more than likely you could be performing CPR on a loved one who is experiencing a cardiac event outside of the hospital. The co-founders Meghan Roth and Olivia Hough plan to promote bystander CPR awareness through social media, local races and events and hopefully a location near you! Together we can Be Life Saving!

Get started by educating yourself here by watching the American Heart Association’s quick guide to performing CPR! - One big step closer to being life saving!