Meghan Roth is a mother, an athlete, a runner, and a survivor of cardiac arrest. On October 11, 2021 her life was changed forever when she experienced a full blown cardiac arrest at mile 7.4 on the the Boston marathon course! She was a new mom, healthy young woman that experienced the unimaginable. With the heroic actions of her fellow runners and bystanders on the course, she was revived once medical staff arrived. Having a second chance at life and given the gift of a new mission to help others, I am extremely passionate about promoting bystander CPR awareness and heart health!

During the scariest and most vulnerable time of her life, Meghan met Olivia Hough, a registered nurse at Tufts Medical Center in Boston where Meghan was treated. After Liv learned about Meghan’s story and they had a chance to connect, they knew just how special their relationship could be. Liv currently works at Tufts Medical Center in the Medical ICU with also a background in cardiology. She also has her masters of science in nursing as a Nurse Practitioner.

Lauren Walker is a registered nurse at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston working in the operating room specializing in cardiology! Meghan and Lauren met working along one another at the Boston Marathon in 2023 promoting bystander CPR awareness with the B.A.A medical team!

Now, we are all working together with our new non profit organization, Run With Me, Be Life Saving! With Olivia and Lauren’s background in the medical field and Meghan’s story of survival the three plan to work together to save lives all around the country! Bystander CPR is the one life saving action that can be taken in a cardiac emergency situation to bridge the gap of survival. Please join our mission in promoting bystander CPR awareness and be life saving. Knowing the basic technique of bystander CPR and educating our community as a whole, we will save more lives, just like Meghan’s life was saved! Together we will be life saving!